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Roundtable Theme
Home Alone -- December, 2003

Webelos Activity Pins - Fitness & Readyman

For this month's Cub Scout Theme (A Cub Scout Gives Good Will) click here.

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Themes / Core Values
  1. Uncle Sam Depends On You
  2. Why Does It Do That?
  3. Land Of The Pharaohs
  4. Lights, Camera, Action!
  5. Fun In The Sun
  6. A Hiking We Will Go
  7. Circle The Wagons
  8. Soaring To New Heights
  9. Once Upon A Time
  10. Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock
  11. A Cub Scout Gives Good Will
  12. Home Alone

Top : Training : Roundtable : Handouts


Monthly Theme Information -- Home Alone

Many boys are left at home alone after school. This month is a good time to review basic first aid, emergency plans, calling for help, and family rules for when you are home alone. The Red Cross, a local nurse, or doctor may be willing to come to a den meeting to discuss basic, age-appropriate first aid. The boys can make a home First Aid kit, too. Many public safety offices offer brochures that contain tips for being home alone; these ideas can be used for role-playing and skit ideas. What kinds of snacks can the boys make when they are alone? This would be a good month to find out. Being home alone won't be so scary after this theme is explored.


Program Helps Online copy of BSA program helps. -- PDF Format
Baloo's Bugle This U.S. Scouting Service Project supported site features monthly program helps and ideas sure to help you improve your Pack or Den program. -- PDF Format
Buckeye District Roundtable Handout from the Buckeye District of Simon Kenton Council. -- PDF Format

Scouting Magazine Scouting Magazine online. -- HTML Fromat
ScoutXing This is a link to the theme section of the ScoutXing. -- HTML Format
Santa Clara Pow Wow Book - 2003 - This site is provided by the fine folks at MacScouter. -- PDF Format
Denver Area Council 2004 Pow Wow - Provided by Arapahoe District. -- PDF Format
Desert District's Roundtable Handout - Jeff Williams of Southern Sierra Council maintains this resource. -- Word Format

Other Resources - Other related links....

Related Themes / Core Values - Other monthly themes / core values that are related....

March 2002 Forces or Nature (emergency)
October 2002 Kids Against Crime (safety)
July 2005 Campfire Tales and Traditions (safety)
September 2005 To The Rescue (safety, emergency, first aid)
October 2005 My Family Tree (family)
February 2011 Compassion (emergency, first aid, safety)

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