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Roundtable Theme
Cub Rock -- May, 2004

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Themes / Core Values
  1. Fiesta!!
  2. Walk In My Shoes
  3. Cubservation
  4. My Home State
  5. Cub Rock
  6. Fin Fun
  7. Scouting The Midway
  8. Time in A Capsule
  9. It's a Circus of Stars
  10. Cub Scout Collectors
  11. Holiday Food Fare
  12. Cubs Scouts Spread the News

Top : Training : Roundtable : Handouts


Monthly Theme Information -- Cub Rock

Welcome to Cub Rock! The boys can learn about prehistoric times by creating table settings, toys, clothing, school supplies, vehicles, etc. These ideas would be great for use in a skit and these skits could be shared at a prehistoric pack meeting. What a good month for geology and learning about the dinosaurs. By the end of the month, all the boys will be looking at rocks in a whole different way. With cooperation and team building in mind, this might be a good month for a prehistoric scavenger hunt. What fossils can you find?


Program Helps Online copy of BSA program helps. -- PDF Format
Baloo's Bugle This U.S. Scouting Service Project supported site features monthly program helps and ideas sure to help you improve your Pack or Den program. -- PDF Format
Buckeye District Roundtable Handout from the Buckeye District of Simon Kenton Council. -- PDF Format

Scouting Magazine Scouting Magazine online. -- HTML Fromat
ScoutXing This is a link to the theme section of the ScoutXing. -- HTML Format
Denver Area Council 2004 Pow Wow - Provided by Arapahoe District. -- PDF Format
Desert District's Roundtable Handout - Jeff Williams of Southern Sierra Council maintains this resource. -- Word Format
Margo's Roundtable Handouts - Provided by Margo Mead -- HTML format

Other Resources - Other related links....

Related Themes / Core Values - Other monthly themes / core values that are related....

January 2000 Turn Back The Clock (prehistoric)
March 2009 Jurassic Pack (prehistoric, dinosaurs, geology)

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