Scouting The Net

Scouting The Net

Roundtable Theme
Zoo Adventures -- August, 2006

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For this month's Cub Scout Theme (Scouting It Out) click here.

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Themes / Core Values
  1. Cubs in the Future
  2. Cubstruction
  3. Our Feathered Friends
  4. Diggin' In the Dirt
  5. Invent a Reason to Celebrate
  6. Red, White, and Baloo
  7. Scouting It Out
  8. Zoo Adventures
  9. Cub Scout Shipbuilders
  10. Cubs in Shining Armor
  11. Cub Scout Stars
  12. Poles Apart

Top : Training : Roundtable : Handouts


Monthly Theme Information -- Zoo Adventures

Cub Scouts love animals in every shape and size so why not visit a zoo, animal park, pet shop or nature center? Perhaps you can get a behind the scenes tour while you are there. Create a pet zoo or study a favorite animal and make displays for the pack meeting. Learn about the history of zoos and the important work they do to prevent the extinction of endangered species. Earn the Wildlife Conservation belt loop and pin.


Program Helps Online copy of BSA program helps. -- PDF Format
Baloo's Bugle This U.S. Scouting Service Project supported site features monthly program helps and ideas sure to help you improve your Pack or Den program. -- PDF Format
Buckeye District Roundtable Handout from the Buckeye District of Simon Kenton Council. -- PDF Format

Scouting Magazine Scouting Magazine online. -- HTML Fromat
ScoutXing This is a link to the theme section of the ScoutXing. -- HTML Format
Scouting The Net's WikiWikiWeb - A site where ALL users can contribute theme related content. If you have a game, skit, ceremony or about anything theme related that you think others might find useful, feel free to add it here! -- HTML Format

Other Resources - Other related links....

Related Themes / Core Values - Other monthly themes / core values that are related....

April 2000 See The Forest For The Trees (nature)
February 2001 Man's Best Friend (animal, pet)
March 2001 Save It For Us (conservation)
September 2001 Down on the Farm (animal)
March 2002 Forces or Nature (nature, conservation)
May 2002 Critters, Cubs, and Campfires (animal, nature)
September 2002 It's A Jungle Of Fun (zoo, animal)
June 2003 A Hiking We Will Go (nature)
March 2004 Cubservation (conservation, nature)
June 2004 Fin Fun (conservation)
March 2005 Waterways of the USA (conservation)
April 2005 Cub Pet Pals (animal, pet)
March 2006 Our Feathered Friends (conservation, nature)
April 2006 Diggin' In the Dirt (nature)
July 2006 Scouting It Out (nature)
September 2007 Down On The Farm (zoo, animal)
February 2008 Litter To Glitter (conservation)
April 2008 Leaf It To Cubs (nature)
June 2008 H2Ohhh! (conservation)
January 2009 American ABC's (zoo)
April 2009 Leave Nothing But Footprints (conservation)
September 2009 Jungle Safari (zoo, conservation)
December 2009 Power Up! (conservation)
March 2010 Spring Into Action (zoo)
September 2010 Responsibility (conservation)

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