Top : Derbys
- ABC Pinewood Derby Cached
(Added: 30-Oct-2004 Hits: 22693 Rating: 6.17 Votes: 6) Rate It
A free source of pinewood derby information for beginners and experts.
- Pinewood Extreme - Free Building Tips and Supplies Cached
(Added: 3-Jul-2005 Hits: 9566 Rating: 8.20 Votes: 10) Rate It
Build an Extreme Pinewood Derby Car! Pre-Cut BSA pinewood derby car Kits, Free Pinewood Derby building tips, Free Pinewood Derby Graphics, Tungsten Weight, Decals, Scales, Extreme Wheels and Axles, Our Own Custom-blended Graphite/Moly Lubricant, Car Display Cases, Carrying Cases and other supplies for new and experienced pinewood and pinecar builders. For Cub Scouts, Awana, Royal Rangers, WIRL and others.
- Space Derby Cached
(Added: 3-Jan-2001 Hits: 13556 Rating: 5.44 Votes: 9) Rate It
The Golden Spread Council's Space Derby Site. This site has information on: Personnel Needed, Constructing and Operating Rockets, Sample Program, Sample Rules, Sample Procedures, Flight Tips and Special Space Derby Events.
- The Ultimate Pinewood Derby Site Cached
(Added: 24-Feb-2002 Hits: 28314 Rating: 6.88 Votes: 16) Rate It
The number one FREE Pinewood Derby Site. Easy to understand. Tips, tricks, physics, songs. Hints for organizers to run a better race.
- Derby Talk Cached
(Added: 25-Jun-2003 Hits: 3076 Rating: 7.17 Votes: 6) Rate It
Derby Talk is a forum for Pinewood Derby, Awana Grand Prix, Kub Kar Rally, Shape N Race Derby, and other similar races that take a small block of wood and create a lot of fun and memories.
- Derby Worx Cached
(Added: 30-Jul-2006 Hits: 2505 Rating: 7.00 Votes: 3) Rate It
Speciality tools for helping parent and child teams build better pinewood derby cars, tech info, video's and a pinewood derby forum.
- DerbyDominator Cached
(Added: 29-Oct-2008 Hits: 2135 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Pinewood derby speed tips, rules, car designs, rookie info, tools and items needed to build a winning pinewood derby car.
- FastPine - Pinewood Derby Secrets! Cached
(Added: 28-Nov-2001 Hits: 13265 --NOT RATED--)
Exclusive speed secrets to help you win! Our Pinewood Bible is the original Pinewood Derby manual, updated every year with bleeding edge tips discovered by our own staff. Win every race!
- Grand Prix Organizer Cached
(Added: 4-Dec-2003 Hits: 4905 --NOT RATED--)
Put on the best pinewood derby your group has ever seen. Personalized driver's licenses, leader job descriptions, award certificates, design judging, snack tickets, track car sales, equipment/supplies checklists and much, much more. Output your racers to race management software.
- Grand Prix Tracker Cached
(Added: 6-Jul-2010 Hits: 457 --NOT RATED--)
Software and Hardware designed as a package to electronically track and measure miniature race track times for any pinewood derby or similar track event displaying the results on the computer screen via a USB port connection. Can be purchased as a project kit or completely assembled.
- GrandPrix Race Central Cached
(Added: 16-Oct-2002 Hits: 3168 Rating: 8.20 Votes: 5) Rate It
Information, resources and race management software for conducting Awana Grand Prix, Pinewood Derby, Kub Kar Rally, and other similar races. Includes plans and links to build your own electronic finish line sensor system, start light "Christmas" tree system, scale information, and much more.
- GrandPrix Software Central Cached
(Added: 16-Oct-2002 Hits: 2526 --NOT RATED--)
Provides race software for Pinewood Derby and Awana Grand Prix type races. Features GrandPrix Race Manager, which manages registering racers through to determining results. Supports several race scheduling methods and a variety of parallel and serial port electronics.
- Maximum Velocity! Cached
(Added: 12-Dec-2001 Hits: 3992 --NOT RATED--)
Offering booklets of winning car plans, speed tips, and specialty supplies. Subscribe to our free e-newsletter and receive a free car plan!
- Pine-Pro Pinewood Derby Supplies Cached
(Added: 30-May-2006 Hits: 2116 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
weights, wheels, axles, graphite, decals, pre-carved bodies, sanding sealer, super-speed axles, driver figures, canopy, windshield, flashing lights, etc
- Pinewood Derby Accessories Cached
(Added: 16-Mar-2005 Hits: 2368 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
wood bodies, graphite, wheels, axles, canopy, windshiels, sanding sealer, decals and more for Pinewood Derby and Raingutter Regatta
- Pinewood Derby Car Building Tips Cached
(Added: 26-Jan-2001 Hits: 6895 --NOT RATED--)
If you are building a pinewood derby car, then here are some tool tips, a buyer's guide, and how to recover from those pinewood derby boo-boos!
- Pinewood Derby Racers - How to WIN Your Pinewood Car Derby! Cached
(Added: 4-Mar-2001 Hits: 5496 --NOT RATED--)
How to Win a Pinewood Car Derby (a book they are trying to sell) teaches you the specifics of building a pinewood car for speed. You can make your car the fastest it can be with secrets that will give you a winning edge. This manual is useful for the Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts Pine Car Derby, Royal Rangers, Royal Ambassadors, Awana Grand Prix, Shape N Race, Kub Kar Rally and other groups.
- Pinewood Pro – Pinewood Derby Supersite Cached
(Added: 2-Jul-2007 Hits: 6990 --NOT RATED--)
Offers Winning Secrets, 3D car design plans, speed axles, lathed wheels,
tungsten weights, high performance lubes, car kits, pre-cut drilled blocks, plus free speed tips, car
design idea guide, Derby Racer's license, award certificates and more!
- Raingutter Regatta - World Class Boats Cached
(Added: 21-Mar-2002 Hits: 7466 --NOT RATED--)
Ahoy there - Do you know how to convert your regatta boat kit into a fast and sleek sailing machine? Raingutter Regatta - World Class Boats will help you sail through the waves at top speed!
- Timestoppers Cached
(Added: 1-Apr-2004 Hits: 2030 --NOT RATED--)
Timestopper timers are made by Intelligent Automation and have been a favorite of scouts since 1982.