Restore version (not including changes above)'); // Sorry, TimeFmt needs to be overwritten, because it gets a default value first // (you can set it after the inclusion of this file though) $TimeFmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'; // make sure the lowest level of headers is h3, since h1 and h2 are used for // main page header and subheaders (thanks to Pm for his hint) // NOTE: This limits the level of headers to four! $DoubleBrackets['/^!/'] = '!!!'; // the clear='all' attribute of [[<<]] breaks my skin :-( $InlineReplacements["/\\[\\[<<\\]\\]/"] = '
'; $contentID = 'content'; /* if ($preview) { // Workaround, because edit and search input field are both called "text" // which results in a problem with the extended form of this skin... $SearchTagFmt = "
"; } */ /* authorOrHost() * Display a Link to the authors profile if an author was specified * or print the host the page was last modified from. */ function authorOrHost() { global $pagename, $LastModifiedBy, $LastModifiedHost; if (isset($LastModifiedBy) && trim($LastModifiedBy)!='') { // temporary set $HTMLLineBreak to a different value $t = $GLOBALS['HTMLLineBreak']; $GLOBALS['HTMLLineBreak'] = ''; PrintFmt($pagename, 'function:PrintText {{~'.$LastModifiedBy.'}}'); $GLOBALS['HTMLLineBreak'] = $t; return; } if (isset($LastModifiedHost) && trim($LastModifiedHost)!='') { print('from '.$LastModifiedHost); return; } } /* printSideBar() * print the SideBar on the left if one exists. Fall back to the SideBar of the * DefaultGroup if not. This also changes the CSS-ID of the content area. * On edit actions the sidebar gets replaced with the EditQuickReference */ function printSideBar() { global $action, $contentID, $pagename, $DefaultGroup, $ScriptUrl; // if only pmwiki.php gets called, $pagename is false. Use a default then $Group = FmtPageName('$Group', $pagename); // FIXME correct way? if (!$pagename) $Group = $DefaultGroup; // switch to PmWiki.Quickreference for edit actions $SideBar = 'SideBar'; if ($action=='edit') { $SideBar = 'EditQuickReference'; $Group = 'PmWiki'; } // switch to $DefaultGroup if this group doesn't have a SideBar if (!PageExists($Group.'/'.$SideBar)) { $Group = $DefaultGroup; if (!PageExists($Group.'/'.$SideBar)) return; } $contentID = 'contentsidebar'; print(''); } ?>