Top : Knots
- Learn2 Tie Basic Knots Cached
(Added: 26-Aug-1999 Hits: 19338 Rating: 5.89 Votes: 9) Rate It
Gnarled knotting have you in a bind? Do you get side-tracked by a simple square knot? Want to learn the loops that'll link those lines? This 2torial untangles the basics of nine knots that make life easier.
- Folsoms Knots and Knotting Cached
(Added: 14-Jul-2002 Hits: 3831 Rating: 9.40 Votes: 5) Rate It
Knots and Knotting Resources of all sorts. Animations, bibliography, links, knives for knots, Boy Scouts, Sea Scouts, and more.
- Knot Cards! Cached
(Added: 18-Apr-2000 Hits: 5676 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
Handy size, waterproof plastic cards illustrate how to tie 12 essential knots. Special price offer for Scouts only available through this link!
- Knots On The Web Cached
(Added: 31-Jul-2002 Hits: 4527 Rating: 1.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
The most comprehensive collection of knotting resources on the web. Sections on knot tying, mathematical knot theory, knot art, knot discussion forums, knot software, knot videos, and knot books. Also a knot gallery.
- Net Knots Cached
(Added: 26-Aug-1999 Hits: 5614 --NOT RATED--)
Illustrations of all the most popular knots for fishing, camping, boating, paddling - any knot you need.
- Ropers Knots Page Cached
(Added: 16-Apr-1999 Hits: 4261 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 2) Rate It
Excellent knot reference material (including book references).
- Troop 396 Knot Book Cached
(Added: 10-Dec-2002 Hits: 5362 Rating: 9.69 Votes: 65) Rate It
Life-sized graphics, large enough to tie right on top of the picture. This link takes you to the Assistant Scoutmaster's Page. The knot book is a portable document file (pdf) accessed from here.