Top : Flags
- Nautical Code Flags Cached
(Added: 20-Dec-2002 Hits: 1407 Rating: 9.76 Votes: 30) Rate It
Download a set of flash cards to learn the international nautical code flags. Adobe Reader is required for the download.
- The Betsy Ross Homepage Cached
(Added: 17-May-1999 Hits: 1044 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 2) Rate It
Flag history and etiquette. Includes animated flag folding and information on displaying the flag correctly.
- Uunited States Flag Manual Cached
(Added: 12-Nov-2008 Hits: 309 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
A comprehensive summary of the history of the American Flag and the regulations and guidelines for its display and use.