Cresskill Cub Scout Pack 121

The overall aims of scouting are to develop a child's character, train him in good citizenship, and encourage him to become more fit—physically, mentally, and morally. 

The vision of the Scouts BSA is to prepare America's youth to become responsible, participating citizens and leaders who are guided by the Scout Oath and Law.    

More information about Pack 121

See tabs above for 2023/2024  Activity calendar, information on Uniforms and handbooksFAQs and learn more about Pack 121.


Next Pack Meeting: Pinewood Derby Design - April 24th - 6:30 PM - 8:00 pm

Our next pack meeting is this Wednesday. We will hold our annual Rocket Derby

Date: Wednesday, April 24

Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
See my email for location details.  - NOTE LOCATION CHANGE FOR THIS MEETING

Event Details:

We look forward to a fantastic evening of science, fun, and fellowship. See you all there!


Cubmaster: Michael Reavis,